SE Uses ADDIE in Every Web Site Build

Building Web Sites Using the ADDIE Model.

It’s really quite simple.  SE knows how to build a web site.  We have people who know what they are doing and who listen to potential customers.  Once we’ve come to an agreement and signed a simple contract, SE can build the web site.  Solution Effect builds web sites using the ADDIE training model for the design, development, and build.  ADDIE stands for Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate.

  1. Analyse.

    First, Solution Effect meets with the customer to determine the necessary parts of a client’s business and web site. In short, we find out what we’re required to build.  SE has a proprietary questionaire we go through with business managers that enables them to see past their own visions for their web site–and begin to see what is technologically possible to build.

  2. Design.

    Equipped with state-of-the-art content management system tools and powerful third-party apps, at Solution Effect, we evaluate and inventory company photos, video, and audio media, basic HTML pages, and illustrations we will need and what we have .  Going through this process forces us to consider just about every aspect of the user experience and gives a customer the flexibility to add/remove features and adjust your requirements as needed long before we start the actual build.

  3. Develop. 

    We take the content that is made available by the customer, and looking at the designed web site plan, we identify content elements that are needed.  We have graphic designer(s) on staff and we send them graphic elements that must be created.  Our writers develop written content for web site pages and blog posts to maximize SEO looking carefully at industry keywords, photo captions, page titles, and meta descriptions–all key parts of an optimal search engine optimization.  But it’s not just about SEO.  It’s about functionality, aesthetic appearance, and getting the customers specific message in front of potential customers.

  4. Implement.

    Together, we’ve built it and tested it.  We know it works and we’re ready to deploy to test it in the real world.  At Solution Effect, we group Implement AND preliminary testing together, because we think it’s short sighted to develop a whole site without testing along the way. Together, hopefully, we can get some non-involved parties and end users to test out the new web site as we go. Test plans are developed to ensure that it’s clear what should be tested, and come up with a measureable result to compare with a Company’s desired outcomes. We like using real people for testing the front end; and that brings us to the back end.

  5. Evaluate.

    Solution Effect has an arsenal of automated tools that are fine for code/backend testing modules. By now, we shouldn’t have much to tweak, but Solution Effect is not done until everything works as it should. With every contract we train key company employees on how to operate the web site, test the web site, make changes to the web site,  and even check and evaluate key analytics and perfom Search Engine Optimization (SEO). When  we’re done, you don’t need us.  You can handle it, but it may well be that you want us to continue with your company as you grow. Solution Effect ALWAYS offers the option to make operational changes to the site each month at a discounted cost. Our turn around is quick, often within 3 business days. Will you give Solution Effect an opportunity to increase your business?

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