Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

- Google Rankings. When it comes to SEO, our Solution Effect Engineers know every trick in the book. We can build any site you want from a small one-page site to a site with hundreds of pages, many functions, features and options, but more important than that, we can make it rank high–often on the first page of a web search using Google.
How the Customer Usually Reacts.
Here’s what that means for your company: Did you know when a potential customer searches for a product or service in Google, and they get search results–90% of the people doing the search select the first company on the list, 8% of customers select the second company on the resulting web search list, and the remaining 2% of potential customers select from the remaining million names or web sites that came up.
Where are You?
Where does your company land in all of this? Solution Effect provides internet and web solutions for companies requiring user-friendly web sites and maximum SEO to put your company at the top of the list.
Contact Solution Effect.
Contact us today for a free demonstration of how we can measure your existing site’s effectiveness. Get to know us. Discover how we are building web sites that meet a company’s specific needs. Find out how, in the end, you can measure the web site we can build for you!
- Computer Platform friendly. With Solution Effect SEO, the final web site the customer sees is uniquely configured depending upon the platform your customer is using. How many times have you searched for something to come up on your phone or your reader, only to have it come up where the banner or masthead is the only thing you can read? The type appears so small you can’t read it with a magnifying glass. Well, it doesn’t matter what type of computer, laptop, reader, or phone your customer is using, they will see your web site in a way that is organized and easy to read.
Call Us Today (619) 631-5102